Monday, April 30, 2012

The Gift of Staying Busy!

It is now the begining of May and it's been a woppin' month and a half full of events.

This beautiful month of March I had a couple of monumental events occur. This month I had an affiliation with a kid named Riley Taylor. Riley had made an appearence in my life before this time. Last semester he was in one of Maryna's classes as a TA. He came over to our appartment a couple of times to help her out with her work. After Steve and Maryna hooked up Riley and Sara started hanging out. They would spend pretty much every night together, but they were just friends. Riley said that Sara was one of the guys. I believe it. Anyway, something went down between Riley and Sara, wThe nows what, but they stopped hanging out towards the end of the semester or early into this semester. The day after I went snowboarding with Courtney was a Sunday and Sunday's mean firesides. I love attending firesides, at this particular fireside Rachel and I bumped into Riley. This was the first time that we had seen or even talked to each other in a long time! Some how we got the subject of snowboarding and how I went and I didn't even contact him while I was there. (Riley worked at Brian Head, where we went snowboarding.) I told him that I didn't even have his number or anything to get a hold of him, so he gave me his number and I texted him mine. Since then we started hanging out with each other and talking a lot. One day Sara randomly texted Riley and Riley told her that he and I had been talking. That very same day Sara freaked out on me telling me "I don't care if you hang out with Riley, but I wish you would tell me things. We are roommates Em." I didn't tell her that Riley and I were hanging out because it was none of her business. So she got even more mad and brought Maryna and Rachel into her sadness of me not telling her. Ha ha I still didn't tell her. At this point Riley and I hadn't even hung out or done anything together. The first time we hung out was a couple of days that this even with Sara happend. We met and studied at the library and then went to dinner. A great thing to do on the first "hang out" right?  After this we spent more time together. Spring break snuck up on us and Riley invited me over to Panguitch, where he is from and where his family lives, and so I went and we enjoyed a picnic and some time in the sun. After spring break Riley and I kind of dwindled. One night we went star gazing and after that night, we haven't really spoken or seen each other. Just the other day, I found out he has a girl friend. I am very happy for him, he seems to be happy and that is all that matters. Right? Right. :D

During spring break the most monumental event of my life, so far, happened.
Spring break--
I spent sometime alone in my apartment over spring break because all of my roommates went home. I had to work so I stayed in Cedar until the Wendnesday during spring break. On Monday I joined Gentry, Alex, and Seth for FHE. It was fun and I am glad I went with them. After we went to Applebee's and had dinner. Seth was super nice and paid for us all. After dinner we went to Alex's and watched Footloose. Good, good movie. Wednesday was the day that I went to Riley's and then I made my way home to West Valley to spend the rest of my break with my family. During that weekend I had a job interview at Great Clips. They were considering me, but because I am not able to work until May 7th they didn't put a hold on the position. I don't remember exactly what I did over the weekend, it was a while ago, but this day still plays crystal clear over and over again in my head. Saturday the 17th I got ready to head back to Cedar because I don't like travling on Sunday by myself. So, I packed up my car and left West Valley about noon. I was just driving and jamming out to my music like I always do. I was about 33 miles outside of Nephi almost to Scipio and I looked down at my heating gauge and it said that my car was over heating or it was getting to that point. I decided it would be best if I pulled over before anything serious happened. When I was on the side of the free way I called my dad and told him what was going on and he said that he would call my uncle John because he lives in Levan, only twenty minutes or so out of Nephi. Well! Here's the kicker. On Tuesday when I was all packed and ready to go I told myself not to forget my phone charger. I told myself I'd get it Wednesday morning. Well Wednesday morning came and I was on my way to Panguitch and I left my phone charger home. So after I called my dad my phone kept telling me it was going to die. While I was on the phone with my dad I said that he better hurry because my phone was going to die. We hung up, he called my Uncle and got towing information and such and then called me back. I answered and said what's the plan. He told me that the tow truck was coming to get me and that they would take me back to Nephi. Well, you can guess what happened next. Yep, my phone died!! I sat on the side of the free way for an hour and a half, almost two hours, wondering if someone was going to come and get me. Many thoughts were running through my head. I thought that I was going to have to sleep in my car. I didn't have food so I thought I was going to starve and die in my car while waiting for someone to come and rescue me. This whole time I was all by myself, on the side of the road, in the wilderness, with a dead cell phone. Now you can see why I was thinking all of these things. It was about three thirty, maybe four o'clock when a Highway Patrol man pulled up behind me and turned on his lights. Again I thought to myself 'Great! He's going to give me a ticket for just sitting here on the side of the road doing nothing.' It turns out that this officer was nicer than I thought he would be, a little strange, but nice. He came up to my window and asked if I was Emily, I said yes and then he said that my dad had sent him out to take care of me. I literally wiped my forehead as a sign of relief. The officer told me that the tower guy was on his way and that he was only fifteen minutes behind him. During the waiting time of the tow truck he looked under my hood and asked if I had coolent and I did but not enough. He then poured it into my windshield wiper container thinking it was my coolant container. Yeah, it wasn't. After that incident I sat in my car and waited for the tow truck. Finally Chris, from the tow company, arrived and put my cute little car on his truck. It was a very sad sight to see my little car being towed away. When my car was tied down to the truck we were on our way back to Nephi. I called my parent on Chris' phone and they said that they were on their way to Nephi and said I would be driving my mom's car to Cedar. When I got back into Nephi you guessed it, I sat again, waiting!!! Could this day have gotten any worse? Yes, it could have. When my parents finally got to Nephi, we switched cars and put all my stuff in my mom's car and at this time it was close to five or five thirty. My parents took me to dinner and after we ate it was home ward bound to Cedar. On my way I didn't want to risk my gas getting low so I stopped in Beaver and filled up. I sliced my finger open trying to get the darn thing open to put gas in. Again on my way it started raining, most nights I would have been fine driving in the rain, but because I was in my mom's car I was a bit nervous. When I finally made it to Cedar my apartment's power was out. I told you this day could have gotten worse, and it did. It was cold, I couldn't see where I was going, and! I couldn't charge my phone. Can you say WHAT A DAY! I felt terrible when I got home because I had texted Rachel as I was leaving West Valley and told her I would be home around four, maybe five. I didn't get home until nine thirty. Great memory huh!

My Cute Little Car I had to depart with. :|

Because I had to leave my car in Nephi, I had to wait until the following Monday to find out the damages. When my dad called me and told me the damages I started crying because I didn't want to give my car up, or give it away. I felt so stupid for crying, but I couldn't help it. My cute little car and I had some great memories. I finally sucked it up and dealt with the fact that my car wouldn't be "My cute little car" any more. The next weekend I went home again, this time for another interview, car shopping, and my cousin's wedding reception. On Friday the 23rd I missed class and left at six in the morning to get home early enough to go car shopping. My parents got the new car and I got my mom's car. I am cool with that now... Friday night I enjoyed spending time with my family at the reception, except for the fact that everyone kept telling me it was my fault that my parents had to get a new car. It was, but I already felt bad enough about the whole situation that I didn't need them to rub it in my face. On Saturday the 24th I went to another Great Clips for an interview. With this interview we set up a technical interview for Easter weekend, the time I was going to be home again. Sunday I made my way home back to Cedar and this time I left early enough to go to the fireside. After the fireside I came home and started writing Elder Brady a letter. While I was writing I got a call from Jared Lovaas. He invited me over to his house and I couldn't turn down the offer, so I finished writing and walked over to his house. Jared and I had been friends for a while before and we've done some stuff together. I am glad that I went over to his house, this night sort of broke the ice between us. We flirted and had a good time. He told me he was going to Salt Lake for conference. A little tid bit of information that I was like "Okay, that's cool." After that I started the week off as I always do. When I was at work I told my boss about the weekend I had and how Jared was going to Salt Lake the following weekend. Randy, my boss, told me that I should go home with Jared. Well what do you know. I came home that weekend and Jared came with me. On Friday the 30th we went to his mission reunion. It was boring for me, but I think he was glad he went. After we went to my house, yes Jared stayed at my house. Saturday we watched conference and hung out, later that night he went to the priesthood session of conference. When he got home we watched The Blind Side. During the movie Jared and I sat super close to each other. I really wish he would have put his arm around me or something. Oh well. On Sunday we made our way to his cousin's house in American Fork. Holy goodness! His cousin lives in a HUGE house! It was way nice! So, we spent the day at his cousin's house. He has five kids, you best believe that we were their entertainment for the day. It was fun! After the last session of conference we made our way back to Cedar. After this weekend that I spent with Jared a minor, okay, okay, okay, a major crush started to develop. This crush has been carried into April and I now have to tell myself that Jared is not interested at all.

For Easter I went home on Saturday the 7th and enjoyed two days at home with the family. We had a nice dinner on Saturday with Neight and Holly. I love spending time with them! Saturday when I got home I had to go to my technical interview where I cut my mom and dad's hair. Robin, the lady who interviewed me said that she would let me know the following Monday if I got the job or not. Sunday I again left early enough to make it back in time to go to the fireside. It was a spiritual fireside and I enjoyed it. On Monday I waited all day for the phone call that would determine my summer. Finally Robin called and I got the job!! I have to call her when it gets closer to me moving home to comfirm my schedule and such. This whole month has gone by fast. This past weekend my family came down to Cedar to help me move some stuff home. They came down on Saturday the 28th and packed up Sunday morning and then went home. It is so crazy that this semester is almost over and that summer is so clos to being here. I have finals on Wednesday and Thursday and will be out of here on Friday. I am so excited to go home for the summer, but then I am not ready to go home. I still want to stay here in Cedar, but it will be best for me to go home. Holly is having her baby in June so it will be so good for me to be home and spend time with my new niece. I am so excited to finally have a niece, I know Neight and Holly are so blesssed to be having this little girl. I can't wait! I am very greatful for this new special edition to our family and I know that this little girl is going to draw us even closer as a family.

I am blessed to have the gift of staying busy. It keeps me off of the computer and late on updating my blog. :)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Trial and a Gift of Patience

Well, it has been a while and I don't know where to begin. There have been many events in the past month, many with frustrations, bad days, good days, and a whole lot of in between's. Work, Valentines Day, St. George with Rachel, snowboarding with Courtney, a weekend at home, and this weekend I am sitting here at my counter on a Saturday night, being 12:13 a.m. wanting to go to bed.

Work has been good and bad and I finally made the decision to go home for the summer. I know that I need to work and I am working on finding places to apply to. I hope that I will get something! I told my boss last night that I will be back in the fall and he said that is the only way that I can quit is if I come back to work for him. I plan on working for him in the fall, I hope that he is still willing to hire me back on. Valentines Day was just another day, I went to work and I ran my butt of so it was simply a good day. On the 11th of February Rachel and I went to St. George to get out of our apartment and away from our roommates. We had dinner at Olive Garden and then made our way to a movie theatre to watch "The Vow." It was such a good movie! I loved it and I am definitely going to buy it when it comes out. The next weekend after that I went snowboarding with Courtney. I had a great time, I fell a lot, but over all it was a good time.

You may be asking what the big deal is about the trial and gift of patience is, well, let me tell you! I have been living in an apartment full of six girls including myself. The first semester didn't ever feel like it does in our home now. The first semester we all got along and laughed and had fun together. Now it is two on two and competing and DRAMA! I have not had this much drama, not even in high school. Three of the five girls that I live with do not know how to clean up the counters or the sink after they have eaten or prepared food. The whole first semester I didn't mind just wiping off the counter, but now it's to the point where I don't want to do it any more because it's not my mess. The girl that I share my room with always has her boyfriend over and takes him into our room and it really does get bothersome. I personally feel that it is very disrespectful. If she had her own room, I totally wouldn't mind, but because it's the fact that he is always here when I want to get ready for bed and get into bed, I can't because he is here. I am truly happy living here in Cedar City, I am just pushing my way through to the end of this semester with my happiness. Many other situations have come and gone in our apartment and through them it is surely a trial of my patience, but at the same time it is a gift. I have the gift to hold my comments to myself and not say them aloud. I have some patience with others, but I still get angry and frustrated. I know that these are developing patience as well because I am not perfect and do not have all the patience I would like. I guess that is the reason why it's a trial and a gift.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Gift of Beauty

For one of my classes I had to watch these two videos,

Dove Evolution--
Beauty Pressure-,

and write a paper about it and answer these four questions,

1. How did these videos make you feel?
2. What other ways do you think media affects girls/young woman?
3. Do you feel the pressure to be like the models in magazines and billboards?
4. Do you think the opposite gender feels the pressure?

In my paper I did answer all of these questions honestly and personally, but that is besides the point. During class we divided into groups to discuss the videos and the group I was in had a deep discussion about them. Six girls and one guy, we all came to the conclusion that these videos are unrealistic and that they are only trying to sell or advertise one thing. I enjoyed this discussion with this group because it opened my eyes. I personally think that all the guys out there in the world are looking for the model type looking women. As I think that I feel that there is no guy out there for me because I do not meet the 5'11, skinny, suntanned standards that are set. I meet the 5'3, bigger built, baige standards, and I KNOW there is nothing wrong with that. After listening to a guy from his perspective I have hope. A couple of other guys in class agree with the one in my group. They don't like the super skinny girls that have to be photo shopped, they like the girls with natural beauty. After discussing with my group I realized that we are all beautiful in our own ways. I didn't know that Marilyn Monroe was a bigger built woman which makes me feel better about myself. This leads me to my topic of the Gift of Beauty. I know that I am a beautiful young lady that is a Child of God. He sent me here not to worry about my size, or makeup, or hair, or shape, or whatever else there is telling girls they aren't pretty. I don't need other people to think that I am beautiful, I can be the only person that thinks I am beautiful and I know that one person will be on my side. I am grateful to my Father in Heaven for the beauty that he has shared with me, and all around me. I am grateful for his Gift of Beauty to me.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Gift of Strength

The gift of strength has been on my side this week and I am so grateful for that. A while ago Sio and I were talking about whether we should start a relationship or just be friends. We both took time to think seriously about what we should do. The last time I saw Sio was before I left for West Valley for Christmas, I was hoping to see him after I came back, I never did. He was acting a little strange to me, I gave him his space, on Wednesday I told him I was going to be down in St. George going to the Temple. I didn't get a reply or anything from him that whole day. I drove to St. George and went into the Temple with a prayer in mind and in my heart, I wanted to know what I was supposed to do with and about Sio. Thursday night I received the answer I needed to know. My answer was that Sio and I are to be and will be JUST friends. I took this answer well and I continued on with myself. The week went on and on Sunday Sio texted me and we had a really good long conversation and then he asked me what our relationship status was. My stomach dropped, I knew what I needed to say and I had a feeling I knew what he was going to say. I was honest and I told him that we are friends with feelings for each other, I asked him the same question, he told me that he thought deeply and very hard and felt that we are better off being just friends. This is where my gift of strength comes into play, Sunday evening I called my dad crying after texting Sio. I told him that I know that it is the right thing to do and it feels good that we are just friends, but I didn't feel at ease. I told my dad that I really liked the way that I felt around Sio and that was the hardest thing of letting our relationship be a "just friends" relationship. Of course my dad knew all the right things to say and gave me the strength to let it go and continue on. The past week with going to school, seeing boys, meeting new people, and just being social has been difficult. I have had a bad attitude towards my roommates and I have felt down. I realized that I have the strength of moving on, I want to curl up and cry because it is over, but I am smiling because it happened. Sio has given me the strength to realize that I want to change and be a better Emily, he made me laugh and smile, and he is truely a good friend. I know that he is happy and that in his future he will be happy and that gives me the strength for looking into the future and being happy. I am getting a little bit stronger everyday! Little by little, chug by chug, step by step. I know that one day a Prince will come and rescue me from this world of singles, when that day comes I will be strong enough to love and cherish him. I have the strength to wait and I am thanking my Heavenly Father everyday for his gift of strength.

Friday, January 6, 2012

New year, new me!

Yesterday I was determined I was going to do something with the mane on my head. I drove to Great Cips with ideas in mind, when I sat in the chair the girl asked me what I wanted to do. I shared my ideas and she helped me decide what to do. She told me if I were to cut 10 inches off and donate my hair I would get a free haircut. I couldn't pass up the offer so I cut 10 inches off. At first I was not too sure about what I had just done. I came back home, showered, styled my hair and I fell in love! I realized that someone needs my hair more than I do. Yesterday I realized the gift of service, I am so happy that I can help someone in their time of need.




Friday, December 2, 2011

A Sweetness is in the Air!

What you've all been waiting for.. Yes, I did see Sio on Wednesday! He traveled up from St. George and picked me up at 6:00 p.m, took me to the Pizza Factory, after we picked up Transformers 3, came back to my place and watch it. I am not going to lie, I really like Sio! As I think about it and him, I get this weird feeling that I should like him as much as I do. Most times I try my best to ignore that feeling. I enjoy spending time with Sio, it is so easy to talk to him and just be myself. I've had a couple dreams about Sio, I don't think they are telling me something.. At least I hope they're not telling me something.
Thursday morning I woke up early, got ready to go to Grandma Twitchell's house, made a trip to Wal-mart, and then left. When I made it to Grandma's, my parents just barely got there, and my sisters were already there. I was soo happy to see them all! Thanksgiving dinner was delicious! I wish it was Thanksgiving everyday, then I would be able to eat a little healthier. After dinner Angie, our cousin Stacey, and myself went for a walk around the block, this dog would not stop following us. We met up with our Mama Sharen and Aunt Rachel, and continued walking. Rachel kept asking many question about Sio and how I met him. It was fun because I got to talk about Sio and not have anyone think I was obsessed with him.
My family and I went to our home in West Valley, the drive was long but worth it. The rest of the weekend was great! I love spending time with my family and just being in their presence. I am so blessed to have the family that I have. I do not know where I would be without them and their encouragement. I am so excited to go home for Christmas and spend some time with them. It will only be three days but its better than no days.
On Sunday I came home and this whole week has been a joke, it's been a rough week. Today is the shining day of the week. I had a great day at work, and Sio comes home from Hawaii tonight. On Wednesday I made a plan to go down to St. George and have a triple date with Steve and Maryna, Sara and Riley, and Sio and I. It was all planned and ready but Sio found out he wouldn't be in St. George until late tonight. I then canceled my going to St. George. Sio as of right now, as we speak, on the plane coming home! I am sooo excited to see him! He is planning on coming up to Cedar on Sunday, I am going to make dinner and have people over. After dinner that plan is to go to the First Presidency's Christmas Devotional for our fireside. I can't tell you how happy I am to see him, I am not his girlfriend but I really like him and missed him!
I am so thankful for the hard week I've had, it will pay off sooner or later and will be a gift when it does. Today, after a long hard week, is truly a gift.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Two Weeks and A time of Thanks! :)

Saturday November 5th Maryna and I took a trip to St. George where we were going to meet up with Steve and his Step Brother Courtney. We didn't meet up with them in St. George because they were being slow and we wanted to come back to Cedar. Later Steve, Courtney, and Sio met up with us here in Cedar. We had a pretty great night. On Sunday we all went to church and after Maryna and I went to Steve's house for lunch. We stayed there for a little bit and watched a movie and just relaxed, the three boys were falling asleep so we decided that it was time to go. When we got home I made cookies for our dinner plans that we made. We planned to go to the fireside and after we would make the boys dinner and just hang out. I don't really remember what the fireside was about, yes I know I should have paid better attention. After the fireside the boys came over and we made Spaghetti with Garlic Bread, Maryna and I are pretty good cooks. :) We played a couple games and then I cleaned up, while I was cleaning up Maryna asked me if I wanted to go for a stroll. I said yes! We left for our stroll and it was only Steve, Maryna, Sio, and myself. I remember that it was just a bit chilly and that it had just gotten done snowing. As we were on our stroll Steve told me and Sio to "come here," little did we know that we were under a tree and that Steve was going to pull the brach down. Ha ha ha Sio looked cute with the pile of snow on his head and his nose, a Kodak moment without the Kodak.
Tuesday November 8th Steve, Maryna and I went to the SUU Men's basketball game.. We won! It was fun, I love going to sporting events. That is where fun is! :) Wednesday November 9th Maryna, Steve, and I went down to St. George. Sio's brother just got home from his mission and Steve wanted to go and welcome him home. We made our way down there and we met up with Sio's brother and talked with him and Sio for a little bit. After we went back to Steve's parents home, ate and talked around a fire. Later Sio and Courtney joined us, a little bit after they joined us we went in and watched a movie. Courtney didn't join us because he had home work he wanted to get done, it was just Steve, Maryna, Sio, and me again.. Of course Steve and Maryna sat next to each other which left me and Sio sitting next to each other. I am not complaining at all.. I will be completely honest, I have no idea what movie we were watching or what even happened in the movie. Sio and I were talking through out the whole movie. Did I mention before that I had and still have feelings for Sio? Well, I think I should mention that. We had been talking for a while and we hung out a couple times before... Sio left and soon after we left to come back to Cedar.
Friday November 11th Maryna and I made our way up to Salt Lake. I spent the weekend with my family and I enjoyed it very much! I went to a good friends mission farewell, I am so proud of him for making the choice to go on a mission. I know that he will be a great missionary. On Sunday November 13th Maryna and I made our way back down to Cedar. On Monday November 14 I called Great Clips to let them know that I have my license, I am still waiting to hear back from them. On Tuesday November 15th I went to Iinstitute, lets just say that I love Institute and I love the lessons that I learn from going. On Wednesday the 16th I woke up feeling so sick. Every time I stood up I would feel like throwing up and my throat hurt. I got ready for work and when I got there I came right back home. I got into bed at 10:30 a.m woke up and 12:30 p.m warmed up Chicken Noodle Soup, ate maybe a little more than half, got back into bed at 1:00 p.m and woke up again at 5:00 p.m. I slept all day, after sleeping all day I felt a little better. Thursday the 17th my boss told me to stay home and get some rest, so I stayed home and rested up. I got one of my homework assignments done.
Friday November 18th, yesterday, I went to work and came home. I got ready to go out for ice cream with a boy named Dillan, in my Institute class. I had a good time eating ice cream and talking with him. He is a good kid, an attractive kid, and a kid I might possibly like. When I got home my roommates and I went bowling 80's style. We had so much fun! We needed a night like last night. After bowling Maryna, Rachel and I went to Applebee's and met up with some boys from our ward. At Applebee's we also had a good time. Today, Saturday November 19th, I have not done anything really. I have been a "Lazy Bum on the Log." Ha ha quote the movie... I have been lazy and I have to go to work at 4:00. I hope it is slow so I can come home and be lazy some more. Being sick just takes it out of ya. I am so excited for the rest of the weekend's/ week's plans. Sunday- Go to my own ward, and go to Sio's ward. Monday- I have the day off. Tuesday- Work and going to Institute. Wednesday- Work and hopefully see Sio. Thursday- Maybe see Sio again, going to Grandma Twitchell's house for Thanksgiving, and NO WORK! Friday- Spend time with family. Saturday- More time with family. Sunday- Come home. It is going to be great! I am looking forward to enjoying the rest of the weekend and the start of a new week full of Thanks, and Family! May we all remember at this time of Thanks that we are so blessed. I know that I have been given so much and I am so grateful. This Thanksgiving is a tremendous gift, a gift to have family together and enjoy their company. :D